Revenue Management Consulting Assistance
If you’d like some help with a RM project or assistance with getting RM going at your company, please contact me. I’ve provided RM project-based consulting to hotel and restaurant companies around the world including Fairmont-Raffles Hotels International, Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants and Chevys’ FreshMex Restaurants and can help you out.
Interested in a short revenue management (RM) seminar to help your team? I’ve been providing this sort of assistance for years and have met with good success. Whether it be a seminar on basic RM, total hotel RM, restaurant RRM or RM implementation/culture, I can help! And, I can customize the content to your company so that it resonates more with your team.
Expert Witness
If you need an expert witness on Revenue Management or the impact of Restaurant Technology, please contact me. Whether your need an expert report, a deposition or trial testimony (or all of them!), I can help. I’ve provided these sorts of services in both a US and international context.
Online Training
One thing you might consider is either enrolling yourself or your team members in one of my eCornell classes. Two different certificates are available: Hotel Revenue Management and Restaurant Revenue Management. Each certification consists of 4 or 5 modules that typically take about 8 hours to complete.
From time to time, I conduct RM and restaurant RM/technology roundtables. I offered a number of roundtables like this at Cornell and very much enjoy doing it. In these roundtables, we bring together about 20-25 top leaders and discuss three or four ‘hot’ topics. Participants tell me that they’ve very much enjoyed them and also find the networking to be excellent!